Monday, February 21, 2011

School Life

This morning I woke up at around 3 'cause I was gonna fast today. I was very mad this morning because my mum forced me to get up. Plus, I think I ate papers because the food my mum cooked tasteless. I wasn't suppose to be that mad until I swear to my mum. I felt really bad after I hear my mum' s voice. I shut up, finish eating and get back to sleep. Get ready to school as usual. Well, today isn't that bad. I had fun in school! After teacher asked us all to enter our class, Syamin gave me a bread that spreaded with Nutella! I ate it. YA ALLAH, I ATE IT! I chewed several times then I just realized I was fasting! I really can't stop laughing. I can actually continue my fast by spitting it out immediately but the thing is that Nutella tasted like heaven :P I guess I will just start it again tmrw. Recess as always I only drink Nescafe to avoid from snoring. A day without coffee is like a day with my pillows and blanket. Something came up during Math. My math teacher threw the duster to the wrong person! Hohoho. I saw! HILARIOUS AYEEEEEE XD Mmmm, so I got 20/20 marks in my Panas Salju's assignment! :D Yayyyy me. Not to forget, 16/16 for my Jawi spelling :) At 1.15 I went to Science extra class. Everyone were happy going back home and suddenly Ilhami said "He's coming, he's coming." I was like; I don't know, I don't care. You know who's coming? It was Rasydan~ Oh my gooooood, COMELNYAAAA :3 He changed the colours of his braces. He showed his braces! I got back home at 2.50 after eating my lunch at Seha with my girlfriend, Ilhami. I skipped Koko today because I'm cool like that.